Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Family Budget

For a long time my husband and I tried to find a perfect strategy to budget our finances. We went through many different tactics and have finally found the best system that works for us. Mint.com is one of the best websites that I have seen that helps budget all of your finances. My husband and I had a lot of student loans that we had to pay off and by using this method (mint.com) we have paid all of it off!  

Every month my husband and I get together before the month starts and go over everything that we know is going to be spent for that month, for example:

1. Mortgage
2. Car Payment
3. Utilities
4. Phone
5. Internet
6. TV or any media
7. Groceries
8. Gas and Fuel
9. HOA
10. Church
11. Savings

Notice that there is a category for Savings. Every month we put in an X amount of our income into savings/investments. Once that is all calculated if/when money is left over then we have FUN money. We split it up between:

1. Eating Out
2. Kids
3. Mommy
4. Daddy
5. Other

I hope this helps I love to budget even though sometimes I see something and really want it but I know that in the long run I can get more later in life if I can show a little bit of self control.

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